Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Personal Goals for 2016

Goals are very important for the New Year I believe that they help keep you grounded towards what you are looking to achieve. Having goals for the New Year is a great way to start the year. Here are some of my personal goals that I would like to share with you. Hopefully, it will inspire you to have your own goals for

  •  Learn How To Cook: Since I am already in college I feel like I should learn how to cook. Not just simple pastas and easy cooking but the more complex foods. 
  •  Go On More Adventures: Since I do live in Arkansas there are such beautiful mountains there and so much to do there, I should take advantage and go on hikes, and camping trips with friends. 
  • Meet New People: I am starting a new semester of college, so that means new classes. I am a really friendly person and approach pretty much everybody, but i always feel like its good to start fresh and meet some new faces. 
  • Save  Money: I have always been bad with handling money even as a child I would go spend it the first chance I got. Now that I am in college I have learned how to manage my money, now I have to learn to save more money and use it wisely. 
  • Worry Less: I have always been the kind of person that worries way to much than I have to. When I worry I tend to stress, and stress is never good. Worrying less will help me stress less and handle things better.
  • Write More: I personally feel that I haven't written a lot. But I feel like i could put more time into writing to improve myself. 
  •  Be A  More Attentive Student: Now that I am in college, I want to get better grades. But I need to be able to concentrate on the lectures in class, and take good notes. This will untimely help me get better grades in school.
  • Take Pictures: I have never been the person to take a lot of pictures, but pictures captures memories and I want to remember them. So I can look back at them and remember the memories and share them. 

I hope everyone makes goals for this 2016!
Let me know what your goals are for this 2016 year (:

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