Friday, November 6, 2015

My College Experience (So Far) at The University of Arkansas

It has been a while since I have written a post. It has probably been because college has taken up most of my time. So far The University of Arkansas has been an amazing experience. I have meet so many new friends, gone outside my comfort zone, and had so many new experience. Oh the picture above is this trail that leads to my dorm. It is so pretty especially in the fall. With that being said I am going to tell you about my experience at The University of Arkansas so far.

As i said in my last post I live in Pomfret, and that there have alot of fire alarms go off and they still do. Here is a picture of Pomfret when the fire alarm went off on a school night at like 2am. They didn't let us in the building for 30 minutes. There was also an incident where the whole power on campus turned out. Yeahh... it turned off! The power was out for quite some time about 3-4 hours. The power went out because a squirrel got in to the power-box and turned off all the power in the university.That poor squirrel got fried :(

 So far I have only gone to one football game. It was University of Arkansas vs Texas Tech University sadly we lost 24-35. But overall it was a pretty fun game. The student section is pretty fun, because everyone is screaming and chanting. The tailgating is pretty fun too! Whenever there is a football game the college campus is just crazy with people screaming and its super fun.

I have also made some amazing friends throughout my college experience and awesome things i've got to do. I went to Little Rock Arkansas with my friends, I went to a bonfire with my friends too which was so much fun! 

On the right is when I went to Little Rock with my friend for a church retreat. On the left is me and my roommate in our dorm.

So that is my college experience so far but hey i'm only a freshman my college experience is just beginning.

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