Friday, November 13, 2015

Top 5 Ways To Get Over A Breakup

Every girl has a relationship that they think will last forever, and then once it's over it is hard to pick up the pieces. Breakups are tough but so are we. We all have our own way of getting over someone, but just remember you deserve so much more. So here are some ways to get over a breakup..

1. Treat yourself: 

  • Go out with your friends- Have a girls night out or go get lunch its nice to get out and just have some fun with friends. 
  • Eat your favorite food - Go out and buy some chocolate or your favorite candy and favorite snacks or just go to your favorite restaurant. 
  • Do something you love- If you enjoy drawing, go draw. If you enjoy taking pictures go do it. Don't let anything hold you back from doing something you love
  • Go to a spa- Go get your nails done or go get a massage. Just relax, its nice to just treat yourself with a good spa day. Even if you just want to do your own pedicure or even your own face mask.
  • Go for a nice walk- Enjoy the beauty of nature, and its nice to just get you thinking and clear your head. 
  • Listen to your favorite music- Don't listen to breakup music it will just make you sad. Listen to upbeat music that makes you just want to dance and get up. Music that makes you happy is just a must to have on reply.
2. Time:
I'm not going to lie you don't just wake up one morning and you are suddenly over your ex. It will take some time to get over your ex, no matter how long you were together. This is something that everyone says "you just need time" and that's what you hate hearing no matter what, but its true!

3. Delete: 
As hard as it is you have to delete your ex from social media and your phone this is one of the hardest things to do. As much as you don't want to do it now, if you don't you will just want to text him or stalk all his social media to see if he has been hanging out with any girls. This will just make you feel worse. So just do it early it will help you out in the long run.

4. Write It Down: 
Write down your feelings on paper. This will help with getting your feelings out and not keep them from being bottled up. It can be a letter to your ex boyfriend, and you don't need to send it, or you can write it for yourself.

5. Remember You Are Worth More:
A year from now you are going to look back and laugh at this. Don't let a guy keep you down, you are stronger than that. Show him that you are better without him. You are worth so much more and he needs to realize that he lost something really special.

That are some different ways to get over a break up. Remember that you are worth so much more, and don't need him to be happy. I hope these tips have helped you. (:

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Friday, November 6, 2015

My College Experience (So Far) at The University of Arkansas

It has been a while since I have written a post. It has probably been because college has taken up most of my time. So far The University of Arkansas has been an amazing experience. I have meet so many new friends, gone outside my comfort zone, and had so many new experience. Oh the picture above is this trail that leads to my dorm. It is so pretty especially in the fall. With that being said I am going to tell you about my experience at The University of Arkansas so far.

As i said in my last post I live in Pomfret, and that there have alot of fire alarms go off and they still do. Here is a picture of Pomfret when the fire alarm went off on a school night at like 2am. They didn't let us in the building for 30 minutes. There was also an incident where the whole power on campus turned out. Yeahh... it turned off! The power was out for quite some time about 3-4 hours. The power went out because a squirrel got in to the power-box and turned off all the power in the university.That poor squirrel got fried :(

 So far I have only gone to one football game. It was University of Arkansas vs Texas Tech University sadly we lost 24-35. But overall it was a pretty fun game. The student section is pretty fun, because everyone is screaming and chanting. The tailgating is pretty fun too! Whenever there is a football game the college campus is just crazy with people screaming and its super fun.

I have also made some amazing friends throughout my college experience and awesome things i've got to do. I went to Little Rock Arkansas with my friends, I went to a bonfire with my friends too which was so much fun! 

On the right is when I went to Little Rock with my friend for a church retreat. On the left is me and my roommate in our dorm.

So that is my college experience so far but hey i'm only a freshman my college experience is just beginning.

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Monday, August 31, 2015

College Life At The University Of Arkanas

photo credit
I just moved into my new resident housing at the University of Arkansas. I will be an education major   teaching English as a second language and would like to minor in Spanish and learn another language. My goal is to get my doctorate as well and travel the world teaching kids how to speck in English. I moved into my dorm August 15th it was around a five hour drive from Texas to the University of Arkansas so I left at around four in the morning and got there at around 9am. I moved in all my stuff and decorated it as well.

The building i'm living at looks like this and is called Pomfret and is a two person dorm 

This is the building I am living at from afar it has three different wings and I am on the second floor. But it is quite a walk to campus and to classes but I will probably be so in shape after this year. Which is what I have heard from other students who have lived in this dorm.

Since I have lived here the fire alarm has gone of twice, one in the afternoon and one in the middle of the night. The reason it went off too was because someone was smoking a vape in their dorm.

I have had a great time at the University of Arkansas so far, I have meet new friends, and adapted to new surroundings and i'm loving it so much. I excited to see what the University of Arkansas has in store for me.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Teen Court Experience

For the past couple years I have been in this program called Teen Court. You deal with real teen cases such as theft, assault, minor in possession, minor in consumption, and ect. I have learned so much and made friends that will last a lifetime. I'm going to share my experience and hope you can take something from it or do something new and exciting.

I started teen court because one of my friends mentioned to me and she thought it was something I would like doing. So one day in the summer I decided to go to one of the training to be an attorney and I liked it. I continued going, but I was never a good public speaker. The more I went the more I got use to talking in front of people. Going up in front of my peers and debating a case really gave me confidence to go up and talk in front of crowds. The friends I had made throughout this experience as really impacted me we weren't just friends we were family. We had our wins and we had our loses and we fought our cases like crazy wither it was objections or bad cases we went through it all together. I saw them every Tuesday no matter what even if I had a big test coming up I would go just to take a breather and clear my head. It was never boring there, and I always left smiling.The ladies in charge of teen court were family to us always there to give advice and make sure we stayed out of trouble and always looking out for us. Teen court is definitely something I wouldn't have been able to do on my own but with the help of my friends I was able to step out of my confront zone and explore new things. Leaving teen court I feel I was able to help teens make wiser decisions and learn from their mistakes and be able to give back to their community. I learned so much from this experience and something I will always remember.

Court is adjourned 

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My Favorite Quotes

These are some of my favorite quotes from movies, television shows, books, and people that I find motivational and relate to my life. I hope you like them...

Movies /Television Shows 
  • "Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself, and a little less time trying to impress people" - The Breakfast Club
  • "Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head and remind yourself of who you are. And where you wanna be. And sometimes you have to venture outside your world in order to find yourself." - Gossip Girl
  • " The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it" -Lion King

  • "So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them." - Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
  • "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not" -The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
  • "Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy" - Harry Potter by JK Rowling
  • “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent” - Victor Hugo
  • "Be the best version of you" - Zoella 

Those are some of my favorite quotes I hope they inspire you and become one of your favorite quotes. Let me know what your favorite quotes are.

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Monday, July 27, 2015

Reasons Why Every Girl Needs A Guy Best Friend

Many people believe guys and girls can't be just friends, but I believe that is false. Guys can be more straight forward and help you more than girls can. So here are some reasons why every girl needs a guy best friend. 

1) They do not judge you. Girls can be very judgmental at times but with guys when they know you and don't like you in that way they see you differently and do not feel the need to judge.

2) They are your perfect wing man. With girls it's pretty obvious when your best friend talks to your crush they know something is up. When guys talk to guys they don't find it that obvious, which is super easy for your guy best friend to swoop in and ask about you 

3) Help you when you have guy troubles. Guys know how other guys think making it easier for them to tell you if they have a crush on you or how and why they act the way they do. 

4) They are always completely honest with you. Unlike a boyfriend if you ask if they like this outfit or if this makes you look fat they will lie to not hurt your feelings. Guy friends will tell you an honest answer because they really care about you and want you to know the truth.

5) There is never any drama. Girls can have drama any once in a while but with guys they just shake it off and they just go with the flow.

6) They teach you what they like in girls. As girls we never know what guys look for in a girl... with guy friends at least they can tell you what they look for in a girl and what they don't which can be similar or different for guys.

7) You can eat whatever you want without judgement. When you go on a date with a guy you sometimes watch what you eat so you don't look like you are pigging out. With girls sometimes they count the calories which makes you not want to eat something fattening. With guy best friends you can eat whatever you want and they do not care.

8) Teach you things your girl best friends can't teach you. They teach you how to do more manly things such as help you understand football, teach you lessons on guys, and how to love yourself by being you.

9) Your own personal body guard. When you have been through a bad breakup or feeling victimized your guy best friend will always be there and have you back no matter what. He is there for you and have his friends on call for backup in case anything were to happen to you. 

10) They love you like family. They see you as your little sister and nothing more. They love you no matter what happens or what they do. He is your best friend that will always be there for you no matter what.

It takes some time to find a best guy friend that you can trust and have your back no matter what. But having one is defiantly something that is essential in a girls life. 

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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Facts About Peru

I was born in Lima, Peru and it is one of my favorite places in the world. In March I was able to go back and revisit my home. I want to share some facts about my culture and home, and hope one day you will be able to visit this beautiful country. 

Everyone always tells me that the food is their favorite, and there are so many varieties. Here are some of my favorites.
  • Ceviche- This is a dish that contains tilapia fillets that is cooked with lemon and has onions and peruvian corn and served with sweet potato and can be spicy. This dish is one of my favorites, but it's also not for everyone.
  • Inca Cola- This is a soda that is very popular in Peru. Its bright yellow, a lot of my friends said it tasted like bubble gum. Personally to me it doesn't, but I've been drinking it my whole life.
  • Alfajores- These are my all time favorite dessert. They are cookies with a sweet caramelized center, and covered in powdered sugar.
There are so any places to visit in Peru being such a beautiful country.
  • Machu Picchu- It is up in the Andes mountains and is one of the seven wonders of the world. Elevated up 2,430 m above sea level but it's defiantly worth the climb.
  • Lima- This is the capital of Peru, and the city I was born in. It is a beautiful city and you can looks out into the ocean.
  • The Peruvian flag is red and white 
  • Peru is the sixth largest producer of gold
  • A traditional dish in Peru is guinea pig 
Pictures from my trip

 These four photos were from a show I went to in Lima Called "Brisas Del Titicaca" where they served food and saw dances from different parts of Peru.

These are from a place in Chosica called "El Bosque." You can go swimming go up and hike all the way up to a mountain and over look the whole town. When I went they were having their anniversary of the Bosque and they had dancers and singers and my cousins made me go up there and sing. Then days later I find out I was in their magazine. In the last picture is a dessert called Picarones to me they taste like donuts with syrup and are so delishious! But watch out for the bees!


Towards the end of my trip I went to Santa Maria beach. In March in Peru it's like the end of summer and there weren't that many people at the beach but it was still beautiful. The  sea food is especially good there because they catch it fresh. 

Those are some facts about Peru and a couple a pictures from my spring break trip. I hope you liked them and go visit Peru one day.

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Skinny Girls Struggles

Everyone has insecurities no matter whether its your body type or imperfections. People are always envious of the people who are naturally skinny, and they can't change that. Just because a person is skinny does not mean they don't have insecurities or struggles. So I thought I would name a few just so you can understand that being skinny is not all it's cracked up to be. 

1) People thinking you have an eating disorder, because they think you don't eat. It's sad how people could think we have an eating disorder just by the way they look at us. 

2) There are never clothes that fit you, and you either have to get it altered or shop in the kids section. As much as I love shopping it's a struggle to find clothes that fit me, especially pants.

3) People are amazed of how small your wrist is. Constantly comparing your wrist to theirs, or trying to see how many times their finger can go around it. 

4) Zero being categorized as a size. The number zero should not be a size that is basically saying that my size is nothing. Last time I checked my body is so much more than just the number zero.

5) Can't give blood because you don't reach the weight requirements. Everyone wants to save someones life by giving blood but it's hard when you can't reach the weight requirements which stops you from saving a life.

6) Being sick and the medicine they give you is to strong for you. When you get sick doctors will recommend you medicine but since you are so small the medicine makes you even sicker and does not help.

7) People joking about your weight, such as " you are going to be blown away" or "you look like a twig." It feels just the same way as someone were to say a fat joke to a fat person.

8) You can't gain weight as much as you try. We eat and eat and eat but can't gain any weight, and to some people that may sound like heaven. But to us we just want to gain just a little bit more weight because society keeps telling us we are too skinny.

9) People saying " you can't have insecurities you are too skinny." Everyone has insecurities and don't think that if she's skinny she doesn't have insecurities because we do.

10) Telling everyone that skinny isn't everything. Society has made people believe that skinny is sexy and perfect, when it's not. Confidence and personality is that makes you perfect in your own way. Everyone was born different and yes there is always one thing people want to change about themselves, but you should be happy with what you look like. We are all beautiful no matter the size. 

Those are some struggles skinny girls go through on a daily basis. So don't think that just because a person is skinny they are perfect. We are all beautiful (:

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Monday, July 20, 2015

My Favorite Broadway Songs

I have always loved Broadway music ever since I was little and loved watching Broadway musicals. I think Broadway isn't appreciated as much as is should, so I thought I should share some my favorite Broadway songs. I hope you enjoy them.

  1. Heathers the Musical: Dead Girl Walking- The musical Heathers is one of my favorites it is very funny and not like any typical musicals. Dead Girl Walking is one of my favorites because the music is just unique and the voices are amazing. 

2. The Lion King: He Lives In You (Reprise)- I saw this musical on Broadway and when I heard this song I fell in love. The harmonies are beautiful and its really catchy, and The Lion King is a classic. Its a must see musical.

3. The Phantom Of The Opera: The Phantom Of the Opera- I love this song, the duet is perfect. The fact that she can sing the higher notes at the end is incredible. It tells a beautiful story as well. Singing this is like #singinggoals. This takes a lot of air to be able to hold out those notes and be able to sing high notes so beautifully. 

4. Wicked: Defying Gravity- If you know Broadway music you have to know this song. Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth are amazing together and the song is so empowering. This musical is the backstory to the Wizard of Oz and is astonishing.


5. Les Miserables: One Day More- This absolutely is one of my favorite musicals of all time. The music is amazing, the story plot is beautifully written by Victor Hugo, and the harmonies are just breath taking. I love this song because you get to see each character sing and express their feeling and that is why it is one of my favorites songs.

These are my favorite Broadway songs and I hope you enjoyed listening to them. (:

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Girl's Guide To Not Being Bored

Every girl experiences when they are so completely bored and have no clue what to do or where to begin doing something. I know I have, so here are some fun activities you can do by yourself or with your friends. 

  • Go to the movies with your friends
  • Watch the sunset 
  • Read a book that is highly recommended
  • Go to the mall with friends 
  • Draw something
  • Learn a new sport
  • Cook something new
  • Experiment with your makeup 
  • Make your own jewelry
  • Learn new hairstyles
  • Redecorate your room
  • Do a random DIY on Pinterest
  • Take pictures of random things and make it beautiful
  • Volunteer at a nursing home with friends
  • Bake or cook something and hand it out to the homeless people
  • Watch a documentary
  • Watch a new YouTuber
  • Make your own clothes 
  • Start a Fundraiser
  • Start a YouTube Channel
  • Paint on a canvas
  • Learn an instrument
  • Go out and make a new friends
  • Attend a yoga or zumba class
  • Start your own blog
  • Write heartfelt letters to friends and send them in the mail
  • Write a book or short story
  • Shadow someone in a career you are interested in
  • Visit a university
  • Have a girls night with your closest friends
  • Try new foods
  • Listen to new music
There are so many things you can do so you don't end up laying in bed all day wishing you did something. Hope it helped let me know what you liked to do, so your not bored.

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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Thank You High School

Now that I have officially graduated high school and about to start my college experience a month from now. There are some things I would like to say before I leave my high school years behind me...

Dear High School,
Thank you...

Thank you for my best friends, the ones who have been there for me throughout this whole experience. The friends that were there from the beginning and ones that I had just meet my senior year. The friends that on my first day at a new school invited me to sit with them at lunch, who knew I would become best friends with them. The friends that knew what was best for me, and looked out for me. The friends that I made in high schools are the ones I will always remember. They saw me at my worst and at my best. They taught me that being myself is perfectly okay!

Thank you for my enemies without them I wouldn't know how strong I really am. The enemies that taught me that losing friends is okay. The enemies that would be bullies to my friends because it made my friends stronger and made our friendship stronger. The enemies that taught me that you don't always have to be friends with everyone.

Thank you for my teachers that pushed me to my breaking point because they knew I had potential to be someone. The teachers that marked my whole paper in red ink because there is always room for improvement. The teachers that motivated me everyday and gave me life lessons or as my teacher would call them "Motivational Mondays" because they truly cared about each and every one of us. The teachers that I had trouble learning from but that just taught me how to teach myself how to learn each lesson by myself. Most of all thank you for the teacher's love of teaching that helped us love what you were teaching.

Thank you for the lessons I learned without them I wouldn't be the person I am today. Throughout my high school experience you make good decisions and bad ones but in the end you learn from both. These lessons helped me grow as a person, and experience things I never thought I would.

Thank you for my best friends, my enemies, my teachers, the lessons I've learned, my motivation, my thirst to learn, thank you for all the things that made my high school experience worth remembering, and finally my memories that I had made throughout my 4 years of high school.

Love Always,

 A High School Alumni

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

New York Adventure

I recently just came back from visiting New York. I use to live there when I was in kindergarten, and after twelve years I returned. I did several things in New York: Broadway, Central Park, 9/11 Memorial, Times Square. I was only there for a couple days but I had an amazing time coming back.

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This was in Central Park this park is very large and you can spend a whole day in this beautiful place and not get bored. When I went it was on a Saturday and there were so many events and they were televising a contest. They were giving away food and drinks and so many things, so you will never be bored in Central Park.
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This was also in Central Park it's called the  Bethesda Fountain and Terrace. This place is so pretty and there were many movies and shows filmed here: Gossip Girl, Sex in the City, Enchanted and so many more. 

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One of the days I was in New York City I had to see a Broadway musical, so I went to see the Lion King. The whole musical was amazing it was really a memorable experience. I grew up listing to Broadway music, but watching a real Broadway production was amazing. I definitely recommend watching any musical that's on Broadway. 

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Another place I visited was the 9/11 Memorial where the Twin Towers once stood. When living in New York I had several neighbors who were greatly effected by this tragedy. The memorial was very beautiful something worth going to. 

I had an amazing time in New York and would totally recommend going to such a beautiful city. (:

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Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Beginners Guide: Airports & Traveling

Summer vacation is here which means everyone will be traveling. Traveling can be very stressful especially if you have never traveled anywhere or never traveled abroad. I love to travel and have been almost everywhere, but it can be overwhelming if you haven't. These are some of my tips to help you with traveling & airports.

1) Pack The Essentials: When traveling I like having a Longchamp Le Pliage Handbag because its big enough to fit all my items and have them handy. Just be careful when flying with liquids they have to be under 3.4 ounces per container. In my makeup bag I like to have my chap stick handy because your lips will become chapped due to the air pressure. To me gum is very essential. When lifting off your ears will feel like they are about to pop but chewing gum before lift off and before landing helps them not to pop.
Travel Bag Essentials

2) The Comfier You Fly The Better: If you are flying a long flight a short flight it's always better to wear something that you will be comfortable in. Let be honest the seats on the plane are not the best, and its better to wear something that will make you feel comfortable and stylish.

Travel Outfit

3) Know The Way Around The Airport: Airports can be very overwhelming; be able to know where you are going and where your terminal is located. Depending on how well I know the airport i'll print off the map (on their website) or have it handy to be able to get around and not get lost.

4) Check If Your Flight Is On Time: Once you have passed security, check the screens located around the airports to make sure that your plane is leaving on time. Sometimes planes may be running late or have changed terminals so be aware of your flight time and terminal. Then head to your terminal or if you have time buy yourself a snack.

5) Get Ready...Get Set...Fly: Once they start calling first class business class and etc be ready to board. Once getting on board find your seat and be courteous of all the other people trying to get through while putting your carry on in the overhead compartment. Depending on where you sit don't immediately put on your seat belt until everyone in your row is there, because then you will have to unbuckle and re-buckle which is inconvenient. Then once the flight attendants put on the safety video be ready to lift off.

I hope you liked my traveling tips and hope you have a safe flight wherever you are going. I promise it's not as scary as you think (:

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Sunday, May 31, 2015

My Favorite Netflix TV Shows and Movies

Famous Logos
As any regular teenager we all have our own obsessions, and mine just so happens to be Netflix. Netflix is a website where you can watch millions of TV shows and movies for only $7.99 per month. I could honestly sit all day and watch episodes or movies all day, so I thought I put together a list my favorite TV Shows and movies on Netflix.

TV Shows:

How I Meet Your Mother:
Gossip Girl 
Orange is the New Black
Pretty Little Liars
Once Upon a Time
American Horror Story

Stuck in Love
Camp Takota
Family Weekend
Chalet Girl
God's Not Dead

These are just some of my favorite shows and movies and I hope you watch them. If you have any Netflix favorites share them in the comments below. You can never get to much Netflix ;)

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Monday, May 25, 2015

My Favorite Spoken Word Prefomances

This is for all my poetry fanatics, spoken word is on stage performance where poets read out their poems like a story or over an issue. I enjoy watching spoken word because you can see the emotion in the person and you can really feel the passion they have for that topic. I want to share my favorite spoken word performances.

1) To This Day- Shane Koyczan: This spoken word was one of the very first that I listened to, and after this I fell in love. Shane does an amazing job telling a story, and making you feel beautiful, and strong. I promise this is a video worth watching. My favorite quote from this poem is:
"If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer. Because there's something inside you that made you keep trying despite everyone who ever told you to quit. You built a cast around your heart, and signed it yourself. You signed it "they were wrong"  
(Shane Koyczan)

2) Somewhere In America: While I was watching poetry slams I came across this one and it really opened my eyes. These three girls: Belissa Escobedo, Rhiannon McGavin, and Zariya Allen are part of a program called Get Lit that helps increase teen literacy through spoken word poetry.

"The teacher never fails, only you do. Every state in America, the greatest lessons are the ones you don't remember learning." (Get Lit) 

3) Rape Poems To End All Rape Poems: Justice Hehir, Lindsey Michelle Williams, Kate Thomas, and Michelle Williams from Rutger University expressed the topic of rape culture and their view on the topic. The poem starts off by addressing how they will preform "another rape poem" because they feel  there will be more rape poems until people will address and fix the problem. This poem speaks volume and gave me chills.
"Until no really means NO! Until rape means crime. Until woman means human. All these rape poems will continue until there is no damn material left" (Rutger University)

These are some of my favorite spoken word poems and I hope you like them too. If you have an spoken word favorites share them in the comments, I would love to see other people's favorites,

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Truth About Senior Year of High School

As my senior year of high school comes to a close I am excited and sad at the same time. You wait twelve years for that moment when you get to walk across that stage and receive your diploma. I remember even at an early age they would tell you the year you would graduate and put them on t-shirts. But that always seemed ages from now, but as senior year comes to an end that time finally comes. So since I am almost done with high school I feel as if I should  help students who are about to start their senior year of high school and share the truths of senior year.

1. First semester senior year is a struggle: Your classes may be a super easy, but there is still a lot of things that you have to worry about: getting the right ACT/SAT score, picking colleges you want to apply to, filling out college applications, college essays, teacher recommendation, and etc. School may be a blow off but trust me your stress level will be all over the place.

2. You secretly care somewhat about your grades: You probably already got accepted into college and everyone is saying "i don't care anymore" "wait we had homework?" "there is a test?" all those kinds of statements, Its true tho, you won't work as hard as you have your previous years but you still end up doing the homework to keep that high GPA. Even though you say you don't care, but deep down inside you do.

3. Its's true you meet people you wish you had meet freshman year:
Through your four years of high school you will meet  new people and they will come and go. Maybe you meet your best friends or your worst enemies. But you will end up meeting people that you wish you meet freshman year. My school has a event called Senior Picnic towards the last few weeks of school. We went to a ranch and all hung out and  I meet some really cool people that I wish I had meet earlier.

4. Prom isn't stupid: At first I decided I was not gonna go to prom and then my friends convinced me to go last minute. Me and my friends did not have dates but we made the most out of prom and it was something special that I will always remember. It really doesn't matter if u have a date or not, it's the attitude you have, so make it memorable.

5. You learn to take in each moment: As the day comes closer to graduation, you begin to start taking in those moments you have left because you are never gonna see most of these people after graduation. I remember during prom and senior picnic I would just looked around the room and saw how everyone was having fun and how I felt at that moment and let everything sink in.

6. Time Flies: You will never really feel like a senior. I feel like it was just yesterday and I was in sixth grade writing a letter to my future self as a senior. Time really does fly, and you just have to make every moment count.

Senior year has been my favorite part of my high school experience, and I will always remember it. I will always remember the Friday night lights and painting my parking spot and all these activities that the school planned. I just hope your senior year is as memorable as mine.

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